okay lets get start it
1. open your internet browser, in here im using a google chrome. very recomended. you can download google chrome from my blog, just look at the right side of my blog, there's miku holding a google chrome icon, just click on the picture ^_^
2. open my blog [lol, how can you open my blog if you already in my blog (?)]
well, just open it by typing "http://dwnldanime.blogspot.com/"
3. nah, you already inside my blog now, but sadly you still can't download it if you're not open the articel. well, just clicking the "read more" button under the article
4. after that you can take a look and choose your fav winamp skin in there, there's alot of anime winamp skin, but i just download this red mecha girl. you just need to click on the image (not "click here to share")
5. nah, after that you'll be directed to this weird link. lol
don't close it! you just have to wait for 5 second until you can pass by
6. after 5 second. you see the yellow button "lewati"? (well, im in indonesia thats why the site is also in indonesian language). click that yellow button
7. nah after clicking that yellow button you'll directed (again) to another site, the main site where you can download the winamp skin ^_^
well, just click the download button
8. i use internet download manager so just click "start" to download and choose "open folder" cause after you download it you have to extract the file
9. open the download folder or any folder that you use to save the download file. and then use the right click on your mouse and choose "extract here" or "extract to mecha girl" its up to you.
10. after you finish to extract it, you can see new two files in there. read me.txt file and mecha girl.wal
well, click on the mecha girl.wal and click instal
well, click on the mecha girl.wal and click instal
11. after that, jengjengjeng :D
your winamp have a new cool skin and ready to use :D
im sorry if my english is bad ^^a
1 komentar:
emm.. can you tell me how to install rainmeter skins?... i have no clue how to do it.. please!!!